Cosmetic Acupuncture
Cosmetic acupuncture is an exciting alternative to plastic surgery and other potentially unhealthy techniques. Acupuncture is far less expensive, more natural, non-invasive and safer than plastic surgery or botox injections, and has no toxicity or recovery time.
The recommended course of treatment is 10 sessions, and should be done two times a week for five consecutive weeks. All sessions include a full body acupuncture treatment in addition to facial treatment. The sessions take about one and a half hours each.
Cosmetic Acupuncture Benefits:
- Reducing wrinkles and fine lines
- Having firmer skin and jaw line
- Improving the face’s natural, healthy color
- Looking and feeling younger
- Healing physical and emotional issues to reduce stress
- Improving overall health and well being
Cosmetic Acupuncture Price List:
$100 Facial Plus Body Treatment
(pay as you go for 10 consecutive treatments)
$750 Prepaid Facial Plus Body Treatment Package of 10
($250 discount)Please call 941-735-6786 For a Free Consultation to Learn More!